Palworld deflates on Steam and loses thousands of players, but devs are not worried

Pocketpair believes it's okay for fans to play other titles

Palworld deflates on Steam and loses thousands of players, but devs are not worried

Pocketpair believes it's okay for fans to play other titles

Palworld took the world by surprise and gathered thousands of players in a matter of days, which is impressive considering it debuted in early access. However, what goes up must come down. Although it is still very relevant and maintains a solid player base, it is far from its peak popularity. Nevertheless, its developers are not concerned.

Palworld loses thousands of players on Steam

The survival title made a lot of noise at its mid-January launch due to its comparisons with Pokémon. Despite controversies and constant accusations of plagiarism, it maintained a good pace and made history on both Xbox and PC platforms.

In addition to being the best third-party launch on Xbox Game Pass in history, Pocketpair's project gathered over 2,100,000 players on Steam. At the end of last month, the developers confirmed that around 20 million people played the title.

Of course, the real challenge is to maintain player interest in the weeks and months that follow. The record for the last 24 hours is 510,907 concurrent users, and at the moment, there are 258,413 people connected. While these are very healthy numbers, it is undeniable that they represent a significant drop.

Palworld loses thousands of players but is still very popular
Palworld loses thousands of players but is still very popular

Many might argue that it's just a matter of time before Palworld loses relevance, but Pocketpair is not worried; in fact, the community manager encourages fans to play other titles and return when they see fit.

Pocketpair reacts to the loss of Palworld players

Through social media, Bucky, the community manager, reflected on the meteoric rise of the open-world game and its apparent decline. In a post on his personal account, he confessed that, in the best-case scenario, he expected the project to reach 50,000 simultaneous players. "Anything above that seemed unattainable," he commented.

The Pocketpair employee emphasizes that the team is working hard to address issues and prepare new content. Additionally, he addressed the topic of Palword's apparent decline and assured fans that it's okay to stop playing.

"You don't need to feel bad about it. Palworld, like many games, isn't ready to release large amounts of new content weekly. New content will come, and it will be amazing, but these things take a bit of time. (...) You don't have to feel guilty about jumping from one game to another," the manager commented.

Dev normalizes the loss of Palworld players and justifies fans who stopped playing
Dev normalizes the loss of Palworld players and justifies fans who stopped playing

Finally, Bucky invites players to try new titles, experiment with new genres, and explore the indie game library to find hidden gems. "If you still play Palworld, we love you. If you don't anymore, we still love you and hope you come back for round 2 when it's ready," he said.

But tell us, do you still play this title? Do you think it can maintain the community's interest? Let us hear from you in the comments.

Palworld is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.


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